10 Days of Mind & Body Reset Program

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Ready For The Next Step?

See Below For More Details.

"Anna’s approach is soft, caring and attentive while providing motivation and guidance"

- Sandra Da Silva

"The only coach who managed to trigger my psychology and shift my mindset"

- Andrea Odisseos

"The journey with her is definitely therapeutic. Highly recommended to any woman"

- Paulina Mas

What Diet Culture Wants you to Know..

When it comes to weight loss, possibilities are that you have been taught that dieting is the only way, that cutting calories and excluding carbs from your meals is the way to do it, that eating more protein will get you lean and increase your metabolism. You see, all of these are lies. This is what the diet culture wants you to know. This is how you are being brainwashed through YOUR personal pain in order to buy those fat burning supplements and literally live on that high protein chocolate flavour smoothie, that is supposed to replace all of your meals.

It is all wrong. There is no need for fancy supplements and pricey juicers or blenders. Nutrition is so simple. There is no need for newly found workouts to trim body fat from specific body parts. This is all fake, and scientifically NOT proven. The strategies Anna gives have helped thousands of women who were unsuccessfully dieting for years thrive and take ownership of their destiny. Those same women who used to be deprived, malnourished and disappointed. Below, you are able to read the Success Stories of some of the Super Women who are finally diet free, living their life’s purpose without the diet culture sabotaging their social life.


Trust in Credentials

Anna has spent more than 10 years studying and researching weight loss diets for women, after she completed three unique different degrees in

  • Dietetics & Nutrition
  • Food Design & Technology
  • Clinical Nutrition (Women's Health)


Realistic Approach

Anna's style is seeing quick results, while being flexible with nutrition and your schedule / lifestyle. She will teach you all the right methods for the best realistic, long term results while taking smart little shortcuts to a healthier , sexier you. Life is short to wait forever.


No-Diet Methodology

Who believes in strict dieting anymore? Been there, done that? You will be able to forget about dieting and everything painful that goes with it and live a healthier lifestyle by finding balance, self-love and complete mindfulness around food, emotions and your body.

Lifestyle Nutrition Coaching


Ditch the diet cycle and get the tools you need to move forward and start living life to the max. Start listening to your body, lose the shame and gain the confidence you deserve while nurturing your body and soul.

Sounds good?

Then Lifestyle Nutrition Coaching is totally for you!


YES! This is for you if...

• You have been longing to get to your ideal weight and

feel comfortable in your body for years.

• You want to live your life freely, enjoy being around the people you love and do not miss out on your social life

• You want to get healthy and vibrant while looking your best

• You know you can achieve everything you've ever wanted only if this litrle part of the pazzle was not missing


• Ready to kicktart something new

Positive attitude and psychology

• Access to the internet

The strategies Anna gives have helped thousands of women who were unsuccessfully dieting for years thrive and take ownership of their own health, body and destiny.

This is NOT for you if...

• You are expecting a quick fix OR if you want to reinvent the wheel

• You don’t want to invest time and energy into long term results

• You are not ready to focus on the right approach and start working with a positive mindset towards your goals

If you want to live your life freely, enjoy being around the people you love, being healthy while looking your best, then YES! This is for you!

Results you can expect

• No more following fad diets that promise rapid extreme results

• No more self deprivation and complicated diet rules

• A simple and enjoyable journey towards weight loss

ONLY by being serious and focused on your coaching can result in breaking free from dieting and forever liberating yourself from excess weight and food/diet related obsessions.

Ready to take the next step?


10 Day Group Detox

This Is Not Just About Dropping Off Weight.

IT’S ABOUT A TOTAL LIFESTYLE CHANGE TOWARDS A Healthier, Sexier You, in just 10 days within a group of like minded women who want exactly what you do! Results.

10 Day Group Detox promotes weight management, aims to improve your digestive health and enhance your overall wellness. The program is designed to tackle constipation, lack of energy, skin problems, bloating, irritability and hormonal body imbalances.

What’s included:

10 Day meal planner with recipes

Every day communication and Support

Group Chat with like minded participants

This program is for you if:

• You know what you should be eating but feel as though you aren’t getting anywhere as hard as you are trying

• You are constantly feeling tired, under-nourished and sluggish

• You feel that eating healthy interferes with your busy lifestyle

• Your current eating habits are preventing you from reaching your healthier body goals and you always feel stuck
• Your are ready to eat wholesome meals and stop depriving yourself from specific food groups


• Ready to kicktart something new

• Positive attitude and psychology

• Access to the internet

This is NOT for you if:

• You are not excited about learning the most effective weight loss methods of seeing long-lasting results

• You think this is a miracle diet plan that will do the work for you even if you do not follow guidelines

• You are not ready to stop procrastinating and get out of your comfort zone

• You expect to see another fad diet including green juices, slimming supplements and ancient detoxing remedies

Results you can expect

• Kick-start a healthy lifestyle

• Nourish your body and feel amazing

• Get sexier and confident in your clothes

• Set new healthy eating habits

Ready to take the next step?

"I never felt that I’m on a diet. On the contrary, I was never deprived of anything and my nutrition plan is not boring. Undoubtedly, I have never felt healthier and more confident in my life, thanks to Anna, who always looks after me and supports me through this life-changing journey. She has been a pillar of strength and she motivates me to continue to live a healthy life. I would highly recommend her to anyone"

Maria Averkiou

She cares about each and every individual

"Before contacting Anna for the first time, I was expecting her to be one of
those ordinary so-called dietitians who just dictate what you should and
shouldn’t eat, making you feel almost guilty about your food choices.
By the end of our session however, I felt that I had finally found
someone who could really help me"

Anna magically maintains a high level of professionalism

"Because of her past and personal experiences, Anna not only knows what she is doing but she is passionate about her job, and this is evident from the profound impact she has on her clients’ lives"

She has worked miracles on me from the very beginning.

"The journey with Anna has been definitely therapeutic and has completely transformed my healthy eating mind-set. Now, I need to maintain what I've learnt in order to enjoy life and stay balanced. I feel blessed and grateful for being able to work with Anna, and I cannot thank her enough"


Your Program Name Goes Here

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consectetur libero id. Massa enim nec dui nunc. Convallis posuere morbi leo urna. Amet tellus cras adipiscing enim eu turpis egestas. Adipiscing tristique risus nec feugiat in.

Who is this for?

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Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique.


• Bullet point 1 goes here

• Bullet point 2 goes here

• Bullet point 3 goes here

Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique.

Who is this NOT for?

• Bullet point 1 goes here

• Bullet point 2 goes here

• Bullet point 3 goes here

Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique.


• Bullet point 1 goes here

• Bullet point 2 goes here

• Bullet point 3 goes here

Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique.

Results you can expect

• Bullet point 1 goes here

• Bullet point 2 goes here

• Bullet point 3 goes here

Ornare arcu dui vivamus arcu felis bibendum ut tristique.

Ready to take the next step?